school_project_11_Thomas Jefferson 220x164More than 6,000 schools and even more classes from around the world took the world's first ever global vote to determine the New 7 Wonders of the World as an inspiration to have their students create some great works in different fields.

During the past years, and even after the Declaration of the New 7 Wonders on 07.07.07 in Lisbon, Portugal, numerous schools submitted photographs, artwork, PowerPoint presentations and even links to web sites created to display their New7Wonders work. We look forward to continuing to receive projects from schools around the world—please send an email to kids(at)n7w.com if you'd like to submit something.

21 Weeks of Wonders
Here is a great example of how to get a whole school involved: All 21 classrooms at the Pleasant Valley Elementary School in New York, USA, participated in a 21-week project highlighting the New7Wonders candidates. A bit further south: Students at Centro Educativo Piaget, a constructivist school on the Yucatan Peninsula (where New7Wonders finalist Chichén Itzá is located), created a video to educate the school's children, parents and teachers about the New7Wonders project and highlight information about Chichén Itzá. As a result: More than 1,000 students voted in the New7Wonders campaign! Surely, they'll be excited to participate in the New 7 Wonders of Nature campaign

Children and students in many countries had the opportunity of intensifying their study of world history by participating in the New7Wonders project. With their teachers, they also played an important role in the huge success of the New7Wonders campaign by taking their enthusiasm outside the school, to parents and the rest of the grown-up-world.

See some selected works in our School Projects section


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